Canvas painting is my fine art and currently my primary artistic passion. After taking a long break due to my animation career, I returned to the easel in 2010 with renewed determination. Since then, I have been creating new artworks exploring various concepts, designs, and color schemes. I prefer working with Golden's slow-drying OPEN acrylics as my medium of choice. Click on the images to enlarge.
Statements about my process can be found on my dedicated painting site!
THE SABERTOOTH'S DOMAIN, 2022, 18 x 24 inches
TREE SPIRITS, 2023, 24 x 24 inches
THE SEEKER, 2024, 24 x 14.8 inches
EBB AND FLOW, 2019, 18 x 24 inches
21st Century Trinity, 2024, 24 x 20 inches
AUTUMNAL WOODS, 2022, 24 x 18 inches
MATTER AND SPIRIT, 2020, 24 x 18 inches
SYZYGY, 2017, 18 x 24 inches
CASCADE, 2021, 18 x 24 inches
THE BLACK FLAME, 2012, 16 x 20 inches
MYSTERIUM, 2014, 36 x 18 inches
PALEOLITHIC, 2016, 24 x 18 inches
About the paintings: The Sabertooth's Domain, 2022, 18 x 24. Tree Spirits, 2023, 24 x 24. The Seeker, 2024, 24 x 15. Ebb and Flow, 2019, 18 x 24. 21st Century Trinity, 2024, 24 x 20. Autumnal Woods, 2022, 24 x 18. Matter and Spirit, 2020, 24 x 18. Syzygy, 2017, 18 x 24. Cascade, 2021, 18 x 24. The Black Flame, 2012, 16 x 20. Mysterium, 2014, 36 x 18. Paleolithic, 2016, 24 x 18.